Aurélie Dommes
Dommes, A., Douffet, B., Pala, P., Deb, S., & Granié, M.-A. (2024). Pedestrians’ receptivity to fully automated vehicles: Assessing the psychometric properties of the PRQF and survey in France. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 105, 163-181.
Dommes, A., Lhuillier, S., Ligonnière, V, Mostafavi, A.M., & Gyselinck, V. (2024). Landmark-based guidance and cognitive saliency: Age-related benefits in spatial performance. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 98, 102377.
Azimi, S., Mostafavi, M.A., Best, K.L., & Dommes, A. (2023). Investigating the Navigational Behavior of Wheelchair Users in Urban Environments Using Eye Movement Data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13912 LNCS, pp. 57-75.
Wang, M., Dommes, A., Renaudin, V., & Zhu, N. (2023). Analysis of Spatial Landmarks for Seamless Urban Navigation of Visually Impaired People. IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation, 1, 93–103,
Dommes, A., Merlhiot, G., Lobjois, R , Dang, N.T., Vienne, F., Boulo, J., Olivier, A.-H., Crétual, A., & Cavallo, V. (2021). Young and older adult pedestrians’ behavior when crossing a street in front of conventional and self-driving cars. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 159, 106256.
Ligonnière, V., Gyselinck, V., Lhuillier, S., Mostafavi, A.M., & Dommes, A. (2021). Visually and cognitive salient landmarks to improve the construction of spatial representations in young and older adults. Spatial Cognition and Computation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 21 (4), 320-345.
Cavallo, V., Dommes, A., Dang, N.-T., & Vienne, F. (2019). A street-crossing simulator for studying and training pedestrians. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 61, 217-228.
Dommes, A. (2019). Street-crossing workload in young and older pedestrians. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 128, 175-184.
Montuwy, A., Cahour, B., & Dommes, A. (2019). Using sensory wearable devices to navigate the city: effectiveness and user experience in older pedestrians. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 3(17), 1-24.
Brémond, R., Dommes, A., & Engel, L. (2018). Driving at night with a cataract: Risk homeostasis? Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 53, 61-73.
Coeugnet S., Dommes, A., Panëels, S., Chevalier, A., Vienne, F., Dang, N.T. & Anastassova, M. (2018). Helping older pedestrians navigate unknown environments through vibrotactile guidance instructions. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 816-830.
Montuwy, A., Dommes, A., & Cahour, B. (2018). Helping Older Pedestrians Navigate in the City: Comparisons of Visual, Auditory and Haptic Guidance Instructions in a Virtual Environment. Behaviour and Information Technology, 38(2), 150-171.
Coeugnet, S., Dommes, A., Panëels, S., Chevalier, A., Vienne, F., Dang, N.T. & Anastassova, M. (2017). A vibrotactile wristband to help older pedestrians make safer street-crossing decisions. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 109, 1-9.
Maillot, P., Dommes, A., Dang, N.-T., & Vienne, F. (2017). Training Elderly in Pedestrian Safety: Transfer Effect Between Two Virtual Reality Simulation Devices. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 99, 161-170.
Renaudin, V., Dommes, A. & Guilbot, M. (2016). Engineering, human and legal challenges of navigation systems for personal mobility. IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 99, 1-15.
Tournier, I., Dommes, A., & Cavallo, V. (2016). Review of safety and mobility issues among older pedestrians. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 91, 24-35.
Chevalier, A., Dommes, A., & Marquié, J.-C. (2015). Strategy and accuracy during information search on the Web: Effects of age and complexity of the search questions. Computers in Human Behavior, 53, 305-315.
Dommes, A., Le Lay, T., Vienne, F., Dang, N.-T., Perrot Beaudoin, A., & Do, M.C. (2015). Towards an explanation of age-related difficulties in crossing a two-way street. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 85, 229-238.
Dommes, A., Granié, M.-A., Cloutier, M.-S., Coquelet, C., & Huguenin-Richard, F. (2015). Red light violations by adult pedestrians and other safety-related behaviors at signalized crosswalks. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 80, 67-75.
Dommes, A., Wu, Y.H., Aquino, J.P., Pitti-Ferrandi, H., Soleille, M., Martineau-Fleury, S., Samson, M. & Rigaud, A.-S. (2015). Is mild dementia related to unsafe street-crossing decisions? Alzheimer Disease and Associate Disorders, 29(4), 294-300.
Dommes, A., Cavallo, V., Dubuisson, J.B., Tournier, I., & Vienne, F. (2014). Crossing a two-way street: comparison of young and old pedestrians. Journal of Safety Research, 50, 27-34.
Chevalier, A., Dommes, A., & Martins, D. (2013). The effects of ageing and website ergonomic quality on internet information searching. Ageing and Society, 33 (06), 1009-1035.
Dommes, A., Cavallo, V., & Oxley, J.A. (2013). Functional declines as predictors of risky street-crossing decisions in older pedestrians. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 59, 135-143.
Dommes, A., & Cavallo, V. (2012). Can simulator-based training improve street-crossing safety for older pedestrians? Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15, 206-218.
Dommes, A., Cavallo, V., Vienne, F., & Aillerie, I. (2012). Age-related differences in street-crossing safety before and after training of older pedestrians. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 44, 42-47.
Chevalier, A., Dommes, A., & Marquié, J.C. (2011). Information searching on the Web: the cognitive difficulties experienced by older users in modifying unsuccessful information searches. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6781, 225-232.
Dommes, A., & Cavallo, V. (2011). The role of perceptual, cognitive and motor abilities in street-crossing decisions of young and older pedestrians. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 3 (3), 292-301.
Dommes, A., Chevalier, A., & Lia, S. (2011). The role of the cognitive flexibility and vocabulary abilities of younger and older users in searching for information on the Web. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25 (5), 717-726.
Boccara, V, Delhomme, P, Vidal-Gomel, C., Dommes, A., & Rogalski, J. (2010). Seniors' perceived driving skill in a post-license training program: comparison of instructors' assessments and self-assessments by seniors' age and sex. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 110, 1, 117-128.
Dommes, A., Chevalier, A., & Rossetti, M. (2010). Searching for information on the Web with a search engine tool: a pilot study about the differences between young and older adults. Psychological Reports, 106, 2, 490-498.
Chevalier, A., Dommes, A., Martins, D., & Valérian, C. (2007). Searching for information on the Web: Role of aging and ergonomic quality of website. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4550, 691-700.
Dommes, A., & Le Rouzo, M.L. (2007). Compréhension d'énoncés contenant une ambiguïté lexicale chez des adultes jeunes et âgés : effets de contexte, de familiarité et de fréquence. Bulletin de Psychologie, 60, 1, 59-69.